Part 90: Guidance
Chapter 89 - Guidance

Unfortunately, even if we didn't steal the Materia, the plan still wouldn't have worked.

The issue here is that besides Sephiroth, there's still the matter of the gigantic meteor.

As far as we know killing Sephiroth won't stop it.

Even then, getting to Sephiroth right now is a problem. He's surrounded by a protective barrier.

We don't know if the huge materia will help us with that barrier issue, so there's that.

Now I want to see the pod recovery sequence.

Cid's the best.

It's just you and your "recreational" stuff again, Red. I knew we shouldn't trust those hippies from Cosmo Canyon.

On second thought, it's actually the planet screaming again. The creepiest sound you guys are lucky not to hear.

He has a good point. For all we know it can be just the wind or some, you know, meteorological phenomena.

I like how they don't take the information they're give at face value. How do we know it's the Planet crying? It might be the sound of lifestream souls partying.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is what unemployment looks like.

It's not like we have anything better to do. Let's get ready.

Some bit of an interesting background.

Bugenhagen's characterization is interesting for a tertiary character. Instead of being a "in your face" green militant stereotype or some mother nature loving native, we get what was likely to be a pretty competent engineer and a tech geek.

This way, his study of nature becomes something much more self-aware. Instead of being told what was right or wrong he consciously realized he (and Shinra) were part of the problem, and decided to dedicate his life to undo the hurt to the planet. You don't have to meet the Na'vi to realize damaging the planet is not sustainable.

It's an interesting concept. It doesn't go for the obvious ALL TECHNOLOGY IS EV0L low-hanging fruit. It's a bit more subtle.

Let's go!

If the people will not come to Meteor, Meteor will go to the people.

I genuinely want to know how you fly.

If I ever get to talk to anyone involved in FFVII's production, that's what I'm gonna ask.

There's something funny in how blunt Cloud's interactions with Bugenhagen are.

Time to use the cellphone.


I always read this in Martin Freeman's voice.

This is exactly like a family constellation therapy session. Actually, make it a business constellation.

I mean, look at Cid.

It's glorious.

That she was. Like I said, she was pretty much the only person who knew what was going on.

That's pretty much laying the cards on the table. It's what everyone's been afraid of.

This is a bit confusing, but hang on. They're talking about the City of the Ancients. Aeris went there for a reason.

I think it has more to do with the meteor and the impending doom. Might as well do the world tour while you're alive.

Cid's the best.

Alright, so let's finally take a look at our spoils. We worked hard for them.

The whole materia thing is kinda scary if you think about it.

By touching the Huge Materia we can interact with it. However, nothing happens when we touch the Green, Yellow and Red Materia for now. They just emit a gentle glow.

Yup. It's easy to figure out, they have the same colors as the materia we use.

However, the Blue Materia is not linked to Support Materia.

Indeed, its function is to give us [Bahamut Zero], the third iteration of Bahamut, if we present the other Bahamuts to it. We'll put it to good use eventually.
Let's get to the airship.

And just like that he flies off to the deck.


That's actually a good point.

Well, there's some food for thought. Maybe the humans from the non-Cetra tribes were in war with them. Maybe battling Jenova took ages, maybe years, maybe centuries. Or maybe the Ancients were a bunch of violent savages and we got them all wrong.

At least this solves the question of "who's gonna tell her mom?"

Goddamit Vincent.


That was Cloud's promise too

Damn this is depressive.

Yep, I'm outta here.

On the bright side, our Pilot leveled up! Now take me to some place less depressive.

Like the place Aeris died.
Next time:
More Bugenhagen! More Creepy stuff! More depressive facts from the past! Vincent!
Awesome music:
You can hear the Cry of the Planet - Actually since this is a SS LP, you can't. Here, have this instead. It's much better.